Gakkou Gurashi! Wiki
Gakkou Gurashi! Wiki
« Welcome to the Gakkou Gurashi! Wiki! »

This is a site dedicated to the manga and anime series Gakkou Gurashi!. We have created and been editing 225 articles since March 2015. First-time users and fans are welcome to contribute to the site!

Articles in this wiki contains heavy spoilers to the series. Read at your own risk!

Gakkou Gurashi! Manga
Meet the characters

Gakkou Gurashi! Manga

The original manga by Norimitsu Kaiho and Sadoru Chiba. List of Volumes & Chapters.

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The anime adaption of Gakkou Gurashi!

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Meet the characters

Find out more about the characters and their unique personalities!

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Explore the seemingly cute and terrifying world of Gakkou Gurashi!...

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Gakkou Gurashi! Manga
Meet the characters

All contributions to the Gakkou Gurashi! Wiki are considered to be released under the CC-BY-SA (see details at Wikia:Licensing)

« Synopsis »

Yuki Takeya loves her school so much that she does not want to ever leave! Megurigaoka High School is a unique and lively place where Yuki enjoys her carefree life as a third-year high school student and member of the School Living Club. The club, consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature junior Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and the club dog Taroumaru, prides itself on making the most of life at school. However, this illusion of endless bliss is just a bubble waiting to be burst because Yuki is unable to perceive what is truly happening around her. In reality, all is not as it seems—the real purpose of the School Living Club is to escape from the shocking and disturbing truth: the girls are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and have barricaded themselves inside the school as the sole survivors.

« Featured Character of the Day »

Ruu Wakasa (real name unknown) was a student and sole survivor at Namekawa Grade School. She was rescued after Rii-san strongly believed that someone she knew was possibly still alive inside the school. After rescue, Rii-san couldn't remember her name, thus the name "Ruu" was given. At first, Ruu appeared to be mute or possibly shy; though, after some time, it was seen that Ruu began to talk more.

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